Beauty Ideas, Nail Design, Personal Care

7 tips for having pretty hands

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Autumn is here, so is the cold and it is important to take care of your hands every day. Indeed, our hands are sensitive and can very quickly suffer from the unwanted effects of the cold. To avoid this, the nail supply expert Maryton will reveal some tips to keep your hands soft and perfectly hydrated this fall/winter!

Tip 1: Wash your hands regularly. But be careful not with just any products! Preferably use mild soaps that will not harm your hands.

Tip 2: Choose warm water over hot water, as the latter tends to remove the natural oils from your skin and cause unpleasant tightness and dryness more quickly.

Tip 3: Use a moisturizing cream for your hands and nails as often as possible to avoid tightness. In summer, choose creams with a UV index, to avoid the formation of brown spots and other sun damage.

Tip 4: When doing daily cleaning or gardening, arm yourself with a pair of gloves! Detergents and other chemicals are aggressive to the skin and your hands.

Tip 5: If you stay exposed to the cold and the wind for too long, put on your best pair of gloves, you will be protected from the cold and so trendy right down to your fingertips!

Tip 6: Exfoliate dead skin for soft hands! About once a month, do not hesitate to exfoliate. You have a wide choice of manicure sets!

Tip 7: Don’t forget to moisturize your cuticles, they are very sensitive and serve to protect your nail. If you are lacking a special cuticle oil, apply a lip balm which will do the job very well or even a vegetable oil such as sweet almond, avocado or coconut oil for example!


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