Beauty Ideas, Nail Design, Personal Care

Benefits of using a nail file

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As a matter of fact, the nail file has several advantages. Next, your expert nail supplier will explain the benefits of using a nail files to you. Keep reading!

First, it does not attack the nail, if its material and the grain chosen are adapted to the type of nails to be shortened, whether natural or artificial. The nail file is a gentle solution to make nails shorter. In addition to being able to shorten the nails, the file gives them the desired shape.

However, it is advisable to choose a shape adapted to the morphology of the natural nail. On the other hand, it allows you to recover a slight nail tear while respecting its fiber. Indeed, the use of a nail file is often appropriate for the most fragile nails.

In addition, it allows you to perfect nail cutting and give your hands harmony and a neat appearance. However, the right gesture is essential in order not to risk damaging the nail. In fact, the free edge must be filed in one direction in order to smooth the keratin and not peel it off.

Files not only allow you to work on the free edge of the natural and/or artificial nail, but also to perfect the modeling of false nails. Maryton, the expert nail brand offers a range of manicure kits perfect for professional manicures.


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